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Monday, June 30, 2008

watching 超级星光大道 on youtube... for the past month..

and.. went across this cool song today, and it caught my attention totally lol.. cause the singer's name is in it lol xD

超级星光大道 owns! :D

Life Suxs, But thats life
11:06 PM

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

uhhh.. lol.. im crazy.. spamming 超級星光大道 everyday episode by episode.. lol..

went by a song.. sung by 林宥嘉.. which is.. seriously weird, both the song and mv.. lol.. title is 病態..

if its weird.. raise ur hand :D

Life Suxs, But thats life
8:27 PM

Sunday, June 22, 2008

ok right..

i take back my word, i dont want school to start! hahahahha xD

Life Suxs, But thats life
8:43 PM

Friday, June 20, 2008

woooo.. life suxs xD

school is starting soon... nothing to say.. lol..
hope i wont be going to any camps this year..

nothing to post.. just reply tag.. x.x

~Replies To Tags~

Tessa : hmm.. i think i sitll owe u 7 tags for no reason? lol
AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!! qin : we didnt sleep in tents while its raining.. or else we would be all wet la.. lol
Xinyi AKA AHHH qin's sister : hello passer by, how is green good for health? :o enlighten me! :o
Sarah : ahhh... x.x we went out once.. lol.. and sorry didnt pick up ur call yesterday.. was in malaysia..

Life Suxs, But thats life
10:48 AM

Friday, June 13, 2008

alright.. came back from camp.. yesterday.. lol...
be prepared to read a whole chunk of words.... :D if cannot take it then press CTRL+W :D

soo.. didnt bathe.. hahha xD then.. first day dinner i ate... a packet of biscuit, and 3 packets of milo powder thing thing.. sooo... cool right? xD then in the morning on wednesday... ate 1 piece of biscuit, and 1 packet of milo powder.. blah blah blah, kk.. this is getting boring.. hahhaa xD

right.. so first night for the camp.. was.. horrible.. so at around.. 10+ pm on the first night, everything looks alright.. dark dark.. no light.. we were given 1 hour of free time.. and.. per normal, SLEEP! xDDD ok.. so i went to... lie down in the tents.. and the tents were.. really... not that waterproof to sleep in.. soo.. ya XD

suddenly... a flash of light! hahaa lol... lightning... o.o then somemore.. and more... then big wind came.. really stong wind.. then... all the instructors came and asked us the go to the canteen.. as it was about to rain... u know.. the feeling it seriously very dramatic especially when the wind came.. lol... oh ya.. the instructor asked us go right.. also very dramatic... like tsunami coming like that.. "MUST EVACUATE NOW!!! GO GO GO!! RUN RUN!!" like that.. so dramatic.. hahaha xD

right.. so from 10.30 can sleep right, the instructors nice enough let us sleep in the bunks to shelter us from rain and wind.. ok... lol... soo... 11.30 or so then could sleep..

go in, sleep on ground! and.. was really squeezy.. and... for some crazy reason.. some retards went to on the fan... like.. top speed? x.x retards... soo.. in the end.. was freezing the whole night cause i only brought a sleeping bag.. and.. it wasnt really useful in being used as a pillow... soo.. i could only choose between... comfortable but freezing cold, or cozy warm but not comfortable. soo... choose sleeping bag as pillow.. lol.. didnt want neck ache..

sooo.. yayaya... sleep around.. went to sleep. then.. woke up, why? COLD!!! -.- and hungry too lol...

then went to sleep again....

wake up again... then looks around..

went to sleep.. wake up.. then i thought it was like.. 4-5.30... cause starting hearing and seeing some activity around... soo.. ya.. then i went to my friend, then looked at his watch.. *he also havent sleep* then.. i look...




wtf -.-

after soo much suffering, 1.55am -.-

i was like.. oh my sleeping lallalaaaaa o.o gosh

kkk... sooo... nothing significant the next day.. but our skit for the group was...humorous... quite retarded but... if rated using the social studies marking scheme right...

L2! why?

cause... NO LINK!!! lol..

heres how the story goes.. theme of this camp is disney.. group name is fillet oh nemo or something like that..

soo.. ya..

once upon a time, there was a dwarf named Nemo. (twisted retard plot) he lived with his father, then one day, his father met a woman and got married. then the woman will ask Nemo whats his name.. soo.. purposely, they gave a lot of name.. like.. "elmo, stich, lilo, and emo"

then Nemo not happy, become emo, and left home.. after few days, he went to a place and met the 7 princesses, then they will ask some random questions.. then!!! they all ask nemo "are u single", and obviously, Nemo said yes.. and guess what?

the 7 princesses screamed :D with that.. ya... lol.. which was seriously retarded lol...

then.. after that, here comes the no link part. 2 hurricane comes, and then the incredible comes and deflect the hurricane away from the people and they died in the end, and happily everyone lived, the end//

no link right? loll

kk... nothing much..

thats all i want to say about camp... relatively fun.... OH YA!! lol xD

2nd night, sleep in tent.. and.. friggening same thing happened again.. we slept, then for some reason me and my friend, (which i looked at the watch for the time in the bunk on the first night) woke up, and we thought it was already in the morning or somewhere b4 that... and.. alas?! (did i use the right word? haha lol) the watch shows... "2.15am" or somewhere there... and we were like.. what the toot? kk.. then went to sleep... nothing much to suffer there.. xD

this time brought back 14 packs of milo powder... thought i could break my record of 21 or 23 packs from last year.. but.. appearantly.. i failed x.x

ok.. soo.. im spamming 超級星光大道II on youtube these days.. but... i still liked the 1st season.. xD

and... for some lucky reason today, i heard the DJ of yes933 say a title of a song which i have been looking for for a year... liked the chorus cause it kinda... dunno.. lol.. cause the chorus very... true? haha

song is 張惠妹-別在傷口灑鹽

go this website for clearer quality i think lol

好久不见 你瘦了一大圈
苦笑的脸 忙而累
你说好男人 绝种了

爱的平衡点 小心拿捏
该醒的时候 你却还想醉

一碰就痛 一想就悲
冲掉心中爱的余味 再活一遍#

相爱的情歌 你听不厌
相仇的局面 你又躲不远

Repeat # #


Life Suxs, But thats life
11:03 PM

Monday, June 9, 2008

ahhh.. dam... just looked through the chat logs of msn convo's since last year feb or something... and... all those memories just came to me... ahhh... x.x miss last year.. sigh... x.x

Life Suxs, But thats life
11:11 PM

sian... need to go camp tmr till thursday x.x sigh.. wished something bad happened to me then dont need go liao.. xD
oh well.. at least this time dont need go camp when 2 of my friends have bdays on the same day... haha xD blah o.o

~Replies To Tags~

Tessa : lol.. then how u find out that i have a blog? :o
AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!! qin : ya i would be so happy when i see a retarded normal gurl laughing like a crazy mad woman at the screen cause she saw her "sister" zi-lian-ing on her own blog with that crazy hairstyle! :D
Sarah : wahaha late reply :D im alright now xD
(*^(oo)^*) : lalala xD
Gilda : wa... dont need describe until so exaggerated right?XD my post isnt that detailed la xD and.. i checked on winston's blog... got link to my blog ah? o.o

Life Suxs, But thats life
6:22 PM

Monday, June 2, 2008

hope holiday would end faster.. then my suffering will end too.. i hope.. o.o

nth much to say.. bai :D

Life Suxs, But thats life
7:56 PM