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Thursday, May 29, 2008

CAUTION!!! ---- : if u will puke or get emotionally depressed upon seeing colourful words and stuffs, click here now..

fuck life (sorry for the colourful word there)

this is like the worse holiday ever. fuck fuck fuck

screw this, i got a friggen training through the whole holiday, then, yesterday got some shooting competition yesterday, then today and tmr got some fucking course to train for leadership shit. and its 8 to 5.30, screwed up

then, fucking hell i looking at the programmes i have left, i got another shit course just to get a friggen badge which is life useless to me, and waste my time just to pin the fucking badge on that fucking ugly uniform, and another one which is 7.30 to 5.30 and its 4-5 june. AGAIN
fuck the teacher la, cant he spare a thought for us? wtf

from wikipedia, holiday is defined as: - holidays for most children are a time to relax, enjoy, and cover up on studies. It's also the time when most families go for an outing.

wtf and that fucking npcc just take up like 60pct of my holidays up on that shit stuffs

10-12 june got a stupid camp, cook our own food, eat instant noodles for all meals for 3 day? wth never consider a thought for us, instant noodle is like... unhealthy? and plus canned food? wth..

next friday, then they say they planned a thing for us, go to kap there for a course to play with shotguns, or somewhere there... and they say must try to go, but wth la.. -.-

and its like... plan all this fucked up courses for what? order food for us, waste their money, which is like the government's money, then they waste our time, and also waste our energy... wtf.. then they on the aircon the whole day today... waste energy again... fuck la...

i find life just meaningless... except for friends, and whatever entertainment... its like... u live just to work to make a living, for what? u die eventually and everything u earn just... goes to whereever u think it will go... fuck life//

soz for those colourful words again...

Life Suxs, But thats life
9:03 PM

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

lol... k.. last week.. a most hated geog teacher (i presume) in our school talked to us about something during assembly.. then he wanted us to help out in doing some stuffs for sichuan.... and he talk about our.. country's position in the world... and the natural disaster...

then he asked us, "does Singapore have cyclone?"
(k he was talking about helping mymamararrr( however spelt xD) also o.o)
then he said.. "fortunately, no" (sounds normal? ya :D)

then he asked us again, "does Singapore have earthquake?"
and he friggen said "unfortunately , no o.o

retarded much o.o

life sux

~Replies To Tags~

Shuhui : NPCC x.x haha lol... ok :D
Oh-twist : ahhh... i thought u and ur sis go only.. since i see u 2 in those pictures.. haha xD

Life Suxs, But thats life
8:18 PM

Friday, May 23, 2008

screw this.. life suxs o.o

today, go school... thought its "yay, last day, guess nth bad should happen"

and needed to pass a camp form(screw this form-.-) to my cca teacher... then i had a syf rehearsal thing... and, last week never go, cause of a wedding.. then.. what he said?
"those who never go last week must go today or we are out of the parade(most wonderful thing that can happen to me o.o) and... friggen late notice la... i wanted to sleep after school one lor... so tired cuz slept quite late for the past few days... then, training -.-

screw this, then, at the training, forgot to bring something... (made things worse x.x)

life sux -.-

tmr must go for training again.... wth sigh... life suxs, and.. i wanna pon but my parents dont allow... *as per normal.. xD* oh well... accept fate liao, fight with fate never let u have a good feeling in the end xD

kk whatever..

life sux, but thats life :D

~Replies To Tags~

AHHHH!!!! qin : im not.. so.. thick skin? XD wahhaa! XD even tho im that bold to write on the exam paper.. haha XD
Gilda : haha... lol XD hi to u for the first time on my blog o.o xD
Sarah : hi hihihi :D im crazy XD life sux :D

Life Suxs, But thats life
8:33 PM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

ok... got all the results back already.. lol..

L1R5 is like.. 21 pts lol... kk o.o

English - 55.2 - C5
Chi - 70 - A2
A Maths - 42 - D7
E Maths - 50 - C6
Chem - 71 - A2
Physics - 75.7 - A1
Bio - 58 - C5
SSH - 55 or something - C5

hahaha lol xD

wrote that on amaths paper.. very blur.. click on it,... should be clearer lol..

wrote on emaths paper, ya.. evil teacher? XD

Life Suxs, But thats life
3:56 PM

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Nothing much today, today in school did 4 sets of survey that we did 2 times last year, which made me really tired and neck ache after that.. lol... x.x

~Replies To Tags~

Shuhui : nah... this url suits me more XD haha :D
Oh-Twist : alright haha xD
Qin : lol haha.. A maths sure fail, e Maths a 75 pct fail, bio a 35 pct fail xD and.. IM UGLY!!! the end XD

Life Suxs, But thats life
8:55 PM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

right lol.. internet got totally disconnected and it was all singtel's error -.-

anyways, paper i will fail should be A/E maths and bio lol.. xDD

the end/

Life Suxs, But thats life
4:09 PM

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

ahhhh... ok... almost all the papers were screwed..

English paper 1 : compo.. ver hard to choose topic.. then i think i wrote the thing out of point.. o.o then for newpaper report didnt have time to finish.. sad o.o

English paper 2 : compre was relatively simple.. but.. summary supposed to write 160 max.. i wrote 231 or something like that.. hahaha xD

History : okok.. but... no time finish last part.. lol

SS : same, no time finish last part

Chinese paper 1 : compo and letter writing.. okok... nothing much..

Chinese paper 2 : horrible, stomach ache halfway through, very bad one... soo... didnt really have time to finish soo... in the end, 4 marks 3 marks all 1 or 2 lines answer.. [FAIL] :D and... still got caught for my fringe by a retarded teacher who pulls fringe down and say very long even though when its normal its not past eyebrow... screw the school :D

Maths paper 1 : ehhh.... relatively ok... some question dunno how to do, last 2 page i think got all wrong, not enough time.. therefore, i wrote "Not enough time, T_T" at the last page.. quite big lol... maybe... [35/60]

Maths paper 2 : [FAIL][FAIL][FAIL][FAIL] and... comfirm, [FAIL] -.- dont want talk about it, didnt do like.. maybe 5 questions, blank, or more, and maybe 10 or more questions wrong.... its screwed, and... sigh -.-

[EDIT] oh yeah.. i also wanted to write on the paper like.. cause the paper was so hard.. so i guess the teacher who set it thought we were very smart.. so i want to write like.. "thank you for looking up on us, but sorry we misplaced ur faith" or something like that.. hahaha xD [/Edit]

i feel like transfering to neighbourhood school... think maybe the papers wont be as difficult as our stupid school's one... i hate acs, the end :D
BUT!!!! too bad, thats life... hahaha XD soo... dont want to fight with fate, and i just accept my fate! hahaha xD life suxs, and thats life :D

kk o.o


~Replies To Tags~

Shuhui : wahaha! very late reply! :D most of my teachers cant teach.. soo... ya x.x
Loud - Dice :D : Blog is alive again!! for a day only! hahaa xD *Starts swinging the broom all around the destory the webs*
Shuhui : haha lol.. ehhh.. maybe cause ur "loudspeaker" updates the blog quite quickly and often? XD
Loud - Dice :D : hahaha oh well.. lets see how many u can change this year :D changed 5 already? lost count x.x
Qin : by the time u read this... congrats on the exam being finished! :D and... is ur butt still intact? hahahhahahaha HAHAHHAHAHA!!! ha.. ha o.o

Life Suxs, But thats life
3:24 PM