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Friday, December 28, 2007

Kkkk, im trying a new way of posting, will be most organised, not 1 whole chunk of words there, sooo.. ya :P
press on the links, its links to day 1 - day 5 XD and tags too :P
but i think u have to wait a long time to wait for me to finish the whole post, ya.. i dont feel like writing anymore xD hahahaha



Just an introduction to what i did! :D Went malaysia on holiday with my cuzzins, and my 9th aunt :P, from friday 21 dec - tuesday 25 dec *Christmas day LOL*

Day 1 - Grandma's House

Left house at 2pm or so, whatever happened between 3-5pm, i have no idea, cause i was getting my ugly sleep on the car for that period of time.. xD first we went to visit my 2nd aunt, while on the way to my grandma house.. then after that we went to my grandma's house le. The tv de 天线 *No idea how to spell in english* was spoilt so the tv couldnt receive any frequency thing so couldnt watch tv, not even malaysian channels, so, ate dinner liao, then walk about the house, doing nothing.
After that actually planned to play badminton with my dad in a indoor badminton court in the village, *my grandma house is in a village XD kampong kampong type :P my grandma rears chickens, so = unlimited eggs everyday :D* but then plans changed, so went to yong peng, quite a famous stop for buses to stop at everytime.
so we went yong peng to shop, actually, my mum shopped, at econsave, while me and my dad went to cut hair, or trim...

*Cough*Singapore 1 person cut 10 SGD, malaysia 1 person cut 4-8 RM, which is 2-4 SGD.... very, cheap xD*Cough*
after that we went to pick up my mum, then went to buy some satay to eat for.. supper... lmao xD 20 sticks, and i ate like 16 sticks, if i counted correctly x.x

Kk, so at this point, Qin and her family was supposed to come here on Saturday, while its still friday today.. so when we reach home, suddenly qin's dad called us and said they are comming back NOW, *10pm at that moment* and will reach home at 12am or so.
My parents, and my grandma went to sleep already, then i couldnt really sleep, so waited till Qin reach here.. there are dogs outside the house, so when they reached they were barking like crazy, for no reason... then i woke my mum up and we were like omg omg omg cant find the key to open the door OF THE HOUSE!! then the dog were barking barking, made us more... anxious, then we woke the maid to open the door, and let qin they all to come in, then, sleep. K, end of day 1, 4 more days to go x.x


*The Leaning Cup of.... My grandma house!*

*Leaning Tower of pisa :D*

Day 2 - At KL

Kk, day 2, woke up at.. 8am.. and i think i woke up one of the last, as i always do xD
We were going to set off once my aunt reaches grandma's house, but that would be about 12-1pm.. soo.. ya, ate breakfast, noodles, doesnt appeal to me, soo didnt eat alot xD
after that went to play basketball with my dad, qin, qin's bro, and qin's dad..
*Im going to cut off the playing basketball part xD nothing much to write about :P*
finished playing, bathe finish, then eat finish lunch. then my aunt reached liao, carrying a box of... cute, little, hungry, sick, cold puppies!
Old Dog, Grown up one.
Our old cat in the house
The cat with that "Im not amused" face
Puppies! :D
Feeding it :D
Forcing it to drink teh milk!
Eyes not opened yet, and its crawling, so cute! :D
When putting them back, they formed this O shape.. so cute!!! hahahaha

then when everyone is good to go, terence, qin's cuzzin says last call for plane? or train leaving for KL.. then he also said plane/train dont wait for ppls..
~ half an hour later... ~
havent leave yet x.x i was like lol-ing to terence and i said "half an hour ago u last called us and the train/plane is still here... *Actually we were leaving in 2 cars, 9 ppls in total* and is like... hahaha the train/plane is waiting for us! instead of it not waiting for us.. lol"
cause 8th aunty's husband's god brother, or my uncle's god brother bought an apartment in Cameron Highlands, so we were going to stay there, and my uncle said that apartment is vacant almost most of the time, so there might not be stuffs like food, plain water, or.. heh.. toliet paper xD the place would also be very dirty..
sooo, in the end we were like.. carrying bags of rubbish plastic bags, that kind of black colour one... brought lots of blankets, 2 pillows... then my dad was carrying 1 dustbin the plastic bag, then i see through, 3 toliet rolls... *_* in a big plastic bag... i was like... *Diaox*
it looked like we were shifting house like that lor... so funny.. hahahaha xD
k, so we are set to go, then i sit with my cuzzin, on my uncle's car, while my 9th aunt and uncle sits in my dad cars... i sat in the middle, Qin to my right, terence to my left, and terence took a tissue, opened the window and started waving the tissue like what u see in the movie when ppls is leaving by train.. which was retarded xD and funny xD
Left the village :D to yong peng, to refill petrol first, we were following behind my dad's car.. soo.. drive drive, still in yong peng, my dad's car suddenly stop, then my father suddenly come out.. and we were like "O.o?"
my dad went to buy 4D ._." hahaha XD
then we went to the "plaza toll" thing, to pay to go onto the highway, then when we tapped the card, just like a ezlink card, my uncle realized they didnt have enough money in the card.. so they didnt really do anything about it, and the trouble came when we reach KL XD
sitting on the car for too long without moving made my butt have that cramp cramp feeling.. soo.. lucky got stop in between.. xD or else i suffer! wahhaha! XD
~1½ hours later...~

reached the south of KL, then was about to exit the highway, so must tap out and that will deduct money from the card... so, there wasnt enough money in the card, so in the end tap liao the couldnt go out, so must call ppls help us add money then can go out... hahaha xD
Our purpose of going to KL is to get the keys to the apartment in cameron highland, so we must get it from my 8th gugu but that time, they were sending 8th uncle's dad and mom to a bus interchange or whatever, cause they were going to SG for holiday i believe, soo we had to wait for them to come back...
Nothing to do right? then we went to Giant near their house to shop for stuffs and food to eat when we reach the apartment in cameron highland..
At that time i was dam hungry, so me and my father hurried into giant and took 2.. delifrance that kind of long long hard hard de bread, but in the end we spent quite an hour or so in there.. bought a loads of titbits in there, and when my 8th aunt came, they decided that we could eat steamboat for dinner during the stay at camaron highland.. soo... started buying beef, tofu, veges and blah blah blah blah... kk.. soo me and qin was like looking around, then we saw Wet Buffulo meat for sale, 9.99 per KG then Qin said " 9.99 per gram " ... we were like... uhhhh.. -.-
then i said omg if that meat weighed 1kg, then its like 10,000 RM for that piece of meat la! hahaha quite retard XD
Ok, after that we went to my aunt's house to rest, then we decided to go to cameron highland tomorrow, instead of that night, which was a really good choice, ... seriously xD
then for no reason, my 8th aunt and uncle brought us to a near-by showhouse, which was real big and expensive, 1mil SGD.
rooms just owns, the master bedroom, for some wierd reason, had 2 toliet bowl, and 2 basin, so qin's father said whoever brought that house could do big business together in the toliet.. xD
*Green Room! :D*
*Blue room! XD*

kk, after that we went to takashimaya-like shopping mall at KL, which was very big and had a indoor theme park , and a indoor roller coaster, which is cool! :D

*Im going to skip some boring parts, last day of holiday, will try to finish this by today x.x, then i can post new years eve de fun :D*

walk to somewhere to eat dinner, then halfway some of us needed the toliet, then toliet is per entry one, and how much per entry? 4RM -.- or 2SGD.. which was very ex x.x
eat finish dinner liao, still need to walk back to where we parked the car, which was quite far, and i ate too much, felt sleepy xD

my aunt's house was on top of a hill, so night scenery is awesome xD
after that talk talk, then sleep!

PS : 3 more days left! horrah! XD

Day 3 - Off To Cameron Highland!

Kk.. early in the morning woke up.. as always, i woke up last, then went to eat breakfast, we ate prata.. then after that we said sayonara to my uncle and aunt, then we set off for cameron highland! lol
there is 2 routes to cameron highland, 1 is old route, from exit from highway, another is new route, somewhere from ipoh.. so we were going to go up by the old route, and go down by the new route..
so after we exited the highway, we went to plaza toll de resting area, b4 going up cameron highland...
so blah blah blah, and there we go! lol.. the old route is really nice.. the road is very small, and there is like 25-40 of those S turns, continuously, which isnt really fun when u are in the car for too long x.x
so after a long period of left-ing and right-ing, there comes a small waterfall-like-area,
*Waterfall :D*
so stopped there, took a break :P
*Ugly han and Retard qin! hahaha*
*Ugly han and Young Aunt! :D*
*Family Picture :D*

kk i was wear slippers and short pants, so i went into the water, and as i've expected, water was about 15degree or maybe higher.. quite cold xD
then we continued that leftright journey up the mountain, so halfway up, qin's dad realized the car is almost running out of petrol.. then luckily we came by a town, then went to fill petrol.. went out.. the air was... very cooling... and my dad and qin's dad said they could smell burnt rubber from their tyres, from the left-ing and right-ing while climbing the mountain.. but all i could smell was petrol on the ground.. hahaha XD
kk.. then we continued going up the mountain, then.. *SkipSkipSkip* we reached a teahouse, so we stopped there again... and.. there was a great scenery of tea fields, and the wind there was strong, the air was cold, and... air quality.. was.. average xD
*Tea fields if u can see them xD*
*See an camofludged(sp error xD) insect? :D*
*a crazy me :P*
*Again! haha*

after that we went to find that apartment.. which took like... 2 hours.. with lunch break in between... we looked from the nicest apartment.. to the n00best looking apartment.. and we couldnt find it.. lol...
soo in the end the apartment was quite far away from the central of the town, so for some reason we couldnt see that apartment, and we didnt know how to find it...

finally we found it.. the apartment wasnt of any very nice one, or was it really bad.. compared to another seriously "Fail" apartment... got algae/fungi on the building.. and so on.. xD
ok.. soo.. we went into that house.. floor was icy cold, tv was... seriously old, very very old, no 天线 so couldnt watch tv, house was seriously dirty/dusty, newspaper there was dated 2007 june...
so after cleaning, sweeping, the house, and putting our holiday/moving house stuffs into the house, then we went to the popular/ tourist spot at cameron highland..

first we went to the strawberry farm... and yes i dont eat strawberry xD
as the room temperature at cameron is like... average 20degree, soo.. ya its aircon temp, so we opened the windows in the car, save petrol, and its cooling anyways! lol xD
so we went there.. there was tomatoes, and heres teh picture :P
*dad and mum*
*me and mum :D and my :P face lol*
kk.. so after that we went to pick strawberries, ourself, but i have no idea how to pick strawberries, no experience at eating them, and i seldom see them x.x so i went with my mum.. and.. some random pictures we took xD

after that we ate strawberry sandae.. slushy?(however spelt x.x)
then we left... , then we opened the windows, the rear windows only, then qin's dad didnt know we opened the window, and being a joker, there was a female walking on the road, blocking the road like.. quite a lot, then qin's dad said to that girl " ur butt so big" or something like that.. and that girl looked in, dunno if she heard but i guess she did xD and we were like laughing like hell then after that qin's dad then know the windows were opened.. which was... very very funny.. hahaha

kk next we went catus farm.. i think, and theres quite alot of wierd species of catus... lol..
PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket*Acting Cool, which i cant do it at all.. hahaha x.x*

kk *skipskipskipskip to dinner*
kk maybe not dinner but.. the view from the house is.. horrible... horribly nice x.x

so as everyone wasnt really hungry, and there was loads of titbits, so we all bathe finished first b4 eating, and the water that came out from the heater was... slow until cannot slow, so have to boil water, then add water to the right temp then bathe.. which was slow slow slow.. but wahtever! xD
so while waiting, parents played majong on a rectangular table instead of the normal square table...
then me, ter and qin played dai di after bathing, and for some reason... after i bathe out, it was so quite hot in the bathroom, so i came out half naked... and ter called me a man.. diaox x.x and after wearing my shirt.. after a while i was getting very cold.. while.. everyone is cold after comming out of the bathroom, then will get not cold after a while.. lol..
so when we played dai di, like.. 6-8 rounds, cause we only got 3 players, so the last card is left in the middle, and for that 5-7 rounds, every round i got the smallest diamond 3, then i can take the card in the middle, then for that 1 round, the diamond 3 is in the middle, soo.. retarded, i got diamond 3 for everyround x.x

so after everyone bathe finished, the started dinner, steamboat! in like.. winter-ish cold weather! which was very very cool! xD
eat eat eat, then parents continued playing majong, then we went to sleep, and i wanted to see the sunrise in the morning.. so i put alarm at 6.45.. which was too early.. and i didnt wake up, instead i woke my father and mum up x.x

Day 4 - Bai Bai Cameron Highland :(

woke up at 7+, last one again, then just nice got sunrise.. xD
Photobucket fog? or mist! coolness? XD
Photobucket *19.5 degree in the mornning*

have to continue tmr, cya x.x

Life Suxs, But thats life
10:47 AM

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

yayyayayayay omg omgomgogmogm i finally found a very very nice song which i have been finding for a long time! ogmogmgomgomg

*Press "Esc" b4 u play this song to stop my blogsong*
lalalalal yayayayay!! XD

~Replies To Tags~

Shuhui : LAAAAAAAAA it got updated :D lol when i want to update im busy doing something... then when i am free i too lazy to update.. hahah :P
Winston : lol o well xD there isnt a picture of me except the jumpshot video right? x.x
Candice : congratz on being the 1st person to tag in dec on the 10th of dec! hahah XD
Qin : update liao! lalala.. xD and u also work hard, be 1st in ur lvl next year XD

Life Suxs, But thats life
11:44 PM

Saturday, December 15, 2007

OK! lol.. finally i update blog huh? x.x

oh well.. few things about outing from... the past weeks :D

Sentosa/Clarke Quay : nth much about that :D just the night view near esplanade and the merlion spitting water was wonderful and relaxing XD cause the night breeze is.. cold.. and cooling.. lol

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
*Taking the skyline, quite high lol*

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
soooo.. cool xD

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Terminal 3 : went there to walk walk, quite nice, only a little bit of light blubs and watever xD save loads of energy lol... only got 4 pictures i like only..
*Photos will be added soon - Sunday/Monday then will add*

Yesterday play pool : fun fun fun, as per normal, i want a real sized pool table! XD
*No pictures, nothing much to describe too :D*

Tomorrow : morning will go malaysia with parents, father will go service his car, then he said we go bowling :D fun fun fun! XD i cant wait! XD

thats all o.o nothing much lol

*EDIT* oh ya :D last week went my cuzzin house, which where i am now, blogging XD i learned how to play a classical guitar! :D myself! which is fun, and im so going to try it now! NOW!!! lol XD *EDIT*

Tmr, is, tag, reply, lala!

Life Suxs, But thats life
7:39 PM