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Friday, November 30, 2007

~Replies To Tags~

Shuhui : lol err.. cause i didnt know there got table tennis table?! lol.. i very used to exercise-ing with slippers on le.. haha xD only that the floor at that time was slipperly xD for no reason :P
Winston : yup.. quite stupid sometimes.. xD
Candice : lalala xD np np np.. lol xD quite alot of butter taken huh? lol..
Ah Zheng : LOL i didnt know u visit my blog one.. lol... lalala.. yup.. the dinner was fun! and i wanted to get owned by u in table tennis at kukup lor.. =.= lol xD
Qin : yupp.. dinner was fun and fun was fun! lol rubbish talk i :D

Life Suxs, But thats life
1:12 PM

Thursday, November 29, 2007

OMGOMGOMGOGMOMG finally! my internet didnt disconnect at all today! horrah! phew... hope its continues like that forever! lololol XD lalala lazy to reply tags and post.. bleh.. im lazy =.=

*Tmr i shall reply tags! *

Life Suxs, But thats life
1:54 AM

Sunday, November 25, 2007

lol back from a... big family vacation.. LOL xD

went to... Kukup(appearantly thats how its spelt, and everyone, including my mum spelt it wrongly, lol xD) in malaysia.. reached there at 4.45pm or so, and when i reached there, that place is... like.. just next to the sea.. soo.. houses were just above water level sometimes, during high tide, and during low tide, the ground is... just.. muddy... ekk... =.= with like.. crabs and mudskippers everywhere lol xD

and upon reaching there.. i saw something which i never expected to see... lol.. a table tennis table.. ._." o well xD so walk in there, then started spamming "姑姑" all the way... cause i got 9 aunts.. but some never come but whatever! lol xD
oh well, put down bag already, then went and see my uncle, aunt, and whoever there xD which i cant remember(i is old! :D), play table tennis.. then.. obviously, after a while they then pulled me out to play.. lol =.= lalala, fun overall xD (my arms now aching liao =.=)

so, because at seaside, so there will be uhh.. wind, lol and its sooo.. cooling.. lol.. kk just skip this part.. or else the readers will die! lol xD

sooo... after dinner, which was like.. at 7 or so, we went back, and we started kararoke-ing, or maybe, my cuzzins, not me xD i is too shy! wahahhaa! XD and ugly, and.. err.. sound horribly horrible and.. everything bad! wahahha! XDDD

then at about.. 10 plus like that got BBQ, but the ppls there bbq for us, so we just eat.. then i think after that my cuzzins and me went around that village to look around, and becuz we were abit too.. full soo.. walk, walk.. so wont become fat.. then we look around.. then.. omigosh... ppls there we kararoke-ing and playing majong... lol.. and then we passed by a house, then there was a person watching a house, and.. the door was very wide open... lol xD then 1 of my cuzzin said, if this was in JB(johor bahru), that house would be robbed liao... lol.. xD which.. was really true xD

soo,, appearantly we kararoke until 1.30am.. then sleep... which.. i think is sound pollution... =.= lol.. *Sigh*

soo, sleep liao, next morning i woke up at.. 10 something.. if i remembered correctly, and guess what!? im the 3rd last to wake up! LOL XD 2nd was my cuzzin, who was sick, so couldnt blame her... then 1st was a baby!!!! soooo!! im like the last to wake lor XDDD hahaha im sleeping pigggg!!! XD

*kk.. im getting high-er as im writing this post.. LOL xD*

kk.. i'll skip this whole morning and afternoon... now to the dinner part which was the funniest part of the day! xD
so, my grandma also went to Kukup, so obviously, she would come to singapore walk walk... lol xD so we went out together with my uncle, aunts and blah blah blah to IMM to eat, at Café Cartel.. (10ppls in total) and if u went to eat b4, the servings there are like.. huge-mon-gous(however u spell the word right), and.. there would be free bread to eat, with butter provided... The breads comes in loafs.. and it is refilled every 15minutes.. and they only come in 4-5 loafs.. which is like.. soo little, then everytime it is refilled then like.. in 1 minute after the bread is put on the table the bread are all gone liao.. xD

kk, the butter comes in small cups, in small square cubes of butter, so, in the end we took 23 cups of butters... xD my mum to 10, i took 5, ZQ(Qin) took 7... and the table is obviously, filled with butter, which was just funny xD kk.. bread come liao, then my mum quickly rushed to the place where they put the bread.. and then my uncle and father ask my and qin to follow my mum... and.. ok.. watever... then we walk out.. and see.. gosh.. =.= everyone was rushing to that place.. and we were like..uhhh... -.- and, my mum was first.. as per normal.. hahaha xD

kk... then the food came, and we started eating... kk... soo.. stupid thing, many of us had no plate, some got fork but no knife, some got knife with.. spoon.. -_-" the waiters were soo.. busy to serve us, then when we ask for plates and stuff, i think once they forgot about us already... so in the end, Self-Service! and, my parents, aunts and uncle heck care, no fork right? eat with hand! LOL XD :D kk.. skip skip,
*Ending part of dinner*
eat finish, we ate really fast, left house at 6.30, reach IMM and started ordering at 7, ate finish at 8 -_-" then we self service, take the napkins ourself, like.. 25.. napkins.. then my father took water to clean his hand, and the water went into the tomato or chilli container.. which was.. uhhh... =.= my uncle also used water to clean his hand, then after that, he needed napkins to dry his hands, so, he took like.. 5-8 of it and started drying... and he said never give me fork so i use hand, now clean liao use so many of ur napkin! which was.. really funny.. lol xD

funnier part, across our table, got 3 ppls, then from my view, 2 of them was sitting on the left, 1 on the right... the 2 on the left was eating proper dinner, big plate with meat and la la la food on it... kk.. seems normal right? kk, turn to look the person on the right, what u see will be, a basket of bread, with butter, and glass of plain cold water.... just that! nothing else! and if u notice for a while, u can see he was really eating it like... it was his.. dinner.. which was like.. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL -.- dam stupid =.= qin and me started laughing like.. crazy =.= lol xD

lalala, longest post ever... lol xD

*Gosh.. this post seems abit messy... lol.. sry if u read until eye pain ah.. :X*

~Replies To Tags~

Winston : Everyone is a friend here! xD lalala xD lol.. u dont look wierd lor.. cute boi :D
Candice : hahah lol.. i lazy to ask u link mah! XD lalala! np, and ty for tagging! hahaha XDD
Ah Qin : hahah xD today de dinner even funnier lor xD, in fact, most funniest dinner ever.. xD

**Lol.. just remember.. when my wrist still hurts... today morning when playing table tennis with my uncle.. lol.. then i didnt wear my slippers to play, the floor was really slippery, soo... i sort of smack the ball, with loads of force, cause the ball is very cheap tat kind, very easy go into net, so really hard, i smack! and, i lose balance and, fall! lalala! XD the last thing i see was my uncle returned the ball back, toward me! lol XDD which was really funny.. lol xD**

Life Suxs, But thats life
11:13 PM

Thursday, November 22, 2007

sometimes i think even tho i live very far from my school, being at the end of one mrt line... is sometimes good... lol... cause there was 2 times which i slept until so.. deeply.. then reach boon lay liao then still sleeping... then those 2 times got ppls wake me up.. which is.. life saving xD lol..

yesterday went friend's house to swim.. appearantly.... i was very evil to one of my friend.. lol.. i made fun of him.. and 1 of it he said he lived very near school.. then i said since u lived so near school then why everytime always reach school so late.. then my other friend laughed like hell.. o.o i must be so evil >.>

*hate my modem -.- or router.. whatever it is xD stupid stupid.. disconnect every few minutes... if unlucky... if lucky then whole day disconnect only once or twice.. bleh.. =.=*

**Gosh i hate my modem -.- i play game then keep disconnecting.. then when i talk to friend then never disconnect.. sigh.. -.-**

***Aww... Isn't he cute? :D
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

First time editing a picture using a freeware-like photoshop.. soo.. maybe doesn't look that good.. sooo.. forgive me! :D***

****I shall reply tag tmr... cya :D****

Life Suxs, But thats life
8:47 PM

Monday, November 19, 2007

ahh.. ownage sentences sent by my parents to me...

"don't u feel diet facing computer whole days" which was supposed to mean "don't you feel tired using the computer the whole day"
*Credits goes to my dad for this ownage sentence*



"Please let us know where you are now so we can arrange the time to pink you"
which, pick became pink :o

"Ok. can you came back by yourself"
came back myself huh? XD

"when you woke up eat breadfast yourself"

ahhhhh! the most ownage one! "Hi boy . come back for lunch ."
this sentence has 2 meanings, which is come back for lunch, or am i coming back for lunch, which is like.. so funny when i read it xD
*Credits all to my mum xD*

wahahohehaho XD

Life Suxs, But thats life
4:33 PM

Thursday, November 15, 2007

lol... was at home the whole day... sooo.. nothing much to blog about.. lol.. bai bai xD

Life Suxs, But thats life
11:24 PM

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ahhh.. today morning - *Monday, not tuesday xD*... 10am or so, was still sleeping, parents went out and like... they left the window opened for air circulation in my room.. ok.. lol.. then.. i was like sleeping, suddenly.. i felt.. water.. -_-" quickly wake up and.. raining! lol and bad thing is.. my bed is quite far from the window.. AND I FELT THE RAIN! -.-' closed the window, and... my room just got.. kinda flooded, lucky, my computer didnt get... hit by the rain.. or soaked.. =.= lol.. dam scary -.-''

*How my cabinet mirror looked like after i closed the window.. =.=" *

*Table in front of the window, telephone.. soaked.. real bad.. lol*

*Window grail! lol droplets on it! LOL*

k.. after that then i on my tv and started watching uhhh... history channel.. channel 8 on starhub.. LOL xD nth to watch so early soo.. history channel! something about the universe.. wahoho.. after that then listened to songs on mtv channel, blasted the music quite loud.. then made breakfast.. and.. lol-ly, my dad called me 5 times and i didnt hear it at all... except that i felt 1 vibration once.. lol.. but.. tot i was imagining thing? imagining?! O.O" wrong word o.o lol =.=

oh well... gonna reply tags tmr.. nite nite everyone! or morning.. O.o"

~Replies To Tags~

Shuhui : lol o.o emo in what way? :D
Winston : ahh.. wild meh? XD lol o.o
Candice : LOL last time u came was 2 months ago.. b4 my camp during sep holiday.. LOLOLOL hahaa xD green owns XD lol :D whole page almost everything green.. espically the fonts.. LOL xD even on my tag board.. lol... xD
Ah Qin : lol xD i believe i wrote it in front of shawn.. LOL xD and nope not going to cancel it xD hahaha :D i is evil! i r mo-jo-jo-jo! wahahaha XD

Life Suxs, But thats life
2:21 AM

Friday, November 9, 2007

Yesterday.. deepavali, public holiday.. lol.. went malaysia to shop and eat breakfast and lunch... lol xD
bought new shoes.. thanks mama and papa :D then reached home at 3+.. then... home sweet home, stay at home the whole day.. LOL xD
today, nothing much happened, just wake up, eat breakfast, then start sitting in front of the computer the whole, day.. xD just some random pictures of what happened to my foolscap paper during the duration in school.. xD

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
*Try clicking, zooming in and look at the contents.. :D some of the contents in it are true, some are not xD*

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
*Full picture of the front page of my foolscap xD zoom in also to see :D*

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
*Back page, drawn by JKCF :D Just names of my cuzzins.. 5 names there, spot all of them :D*

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

ok.. soo.. my page too small.. so pictures are cutted into.. half.. lol o well, xD

Life Suxs, But thats life
10:59 PM

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Just reply tags... for today.. XD tmr then post about today XD

~Replies To Tags~

Shuhui : haha xD have a happy holiday :D hahah :p
Winston : lol -.- all the same colour.. sooo.. ahh.. but.. i did it! :D xDDD
Pigs who ♥ Chocolates :D : Appearantly everyone likes green.. LOL... go see qinqin de blogskin.. so cute xD

*Edit* just as i was posting, i was listening to Yes 933 on radio, then got someone sms or write letter to the DJ, then in it has the word "PangSeh" and she spelt it out and said she didnt know what it meant.. LOL */Edit*

Life Suxs, But thats life
11:18 PM

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

OK! now, other than black and white, green shall be my 3rd fav color! wahhaha! XD me is crazy! lol XD

hope during exams i dont write "color" instead of "colour" ... l0l XD

~Replies To Tags~

Shuhui : Green is good! grass are good too! stop soil erosion! xD
Winston : The colors used are so good XD purr fect! XD

Life Suxs, But thats life
11:22 PM

Monday, November 5, 2007

Im halfway editing my ne blogskin.... :P

Life Suxs, But thats life
12:15 PM

LOL!! 2 weeks!! since i updated my blog.. how cool is tat.. XD hahahaha :D

o well.. off to find a better blogskin b4 i continue blogging.. :D unless i just want to blog for fun.. kk.. im saying rubbish but o well XD hahaha :D

Life Suxs, But thats life
2:14 AM